What happened in Ethiopia?

According to the National Disaster Risk Reduction Commission (Dec, 2016), the year 2016/2017 had been classified as one of the driest years on the record in the Horn of Africa. Accordingly, the Ethiopian government launched a Humanitarian Requirements Document (HRD) indicating that around 5.6 million people would be in need of emergency food interventions from December 2016 to July 2017. The effect of El’ Nino weather pattern  continued and resulted in severe drought condition in southern Ethiopian lowlands.

What was done?

CRWRF provided funding assistance to MERF (Middle East Reformed Fellowship) who are working with local Ethiopian churches to provide and distribute emergency food aid. CRWRF has also provided funding assistance to World Renew who collaborate with other international relief agencies in a large scale emergency food response. 

The most recent distribution provided food aid to those suffering from the country wide drought in a number of Central Ethiopia Regional States, to supply and distribute food aid and supplements. The following was provided:

  • rice (194 families, 40kg/family)
  • cooking oil (197 families, 1 gallon/family)
  • spaghetti (215 families, 20kg/family)
  • Omega-3 food supplements, Vitamins A & D + calcium (276 families with children)
  • milk powder (149 families with children).

CRWRF Contribution: $125,000 ($65,000 in 2016 and $60,000 in 2017) to MERF and $25,000 to World Renew


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